Qwilight / sdk / tools / ContentBuilder / scripts / simple_app_build.vdf
@Taehui Taehui on 20 Jan 613 bytes 2024-01-20 오전 11:03
	"AppID" "1910130" // your AppID
	"Desc" "This is a simple build script" // internal description for this build
	"ContentRoot" "..\..\..\..\Qwilight\bin\x64\Release\net8.0-windows10.0.22621.0\win-x64\publish\" // root content folder, relative to location of this file
	"BuildOutput" "..\output\" // build output folder for build logs and build cache files
		"1910131" // your DepotID
				"LocalPath" "*" // all files from contentroot folder
				"DepotPath" "." // mapped into the root of the depot
				"recursive" "1" // include all subfolders